Sunday, August 29, 2010

Let's Watch Zipperface!

(Yes, I bought this movie)

My god this was one looooonnng process. Just getting down to recording the thing was a feat in itself but I did it. It took a few hours to find a way to get the audio on here, so you can listen and download the damn thing.

Now before I continue, a Let's Watch differs from a Let's Play ( Which is when someone playing a video game, records it as well with audio and puts it on Youtube or google video). A Let's Watch is some made up shit that has actually been around since the late 1980's and praised thanks to a show called Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

So am I actually watching this film? Yes, I watched it and basically tried to input my own Audio commentary into it(without subcomming to biting lines and jokes from MST3K etc.), since there were no special features of any kind. Plus, since we're basically dealing with a Z-movie here, why not try and poke a few laughs at it? All In good fun.

The difference between this and the podcast series is, that this will simply focus on one subject (a low budget movie) wheres the podcast series will focus on the typical shit that fills many a blogs and podcast: Current trends and pop culture and half-assed rants.

I'm not sure if I'm up for doing this any more than once, but If I am, I'm strictly going for the Z/Indie stuff. You know, give some more much needed exposure.


*download the commentary here!

*Jim Halfpenny and his fancy music!
*Damn College Kids and their free time and creativity!

(Constructive criticism is welcomed!)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yes, we're "selling" out

tumblr Pictures, Images and Photos

Here's the deal...and here's how stuff is going to go down.

Tumblr will be used to announce when ever audio commentary or a podcast is up and "might" take over as the blog.

Blogger, however, will be used to store the podcast and audio commentary. If Tumblr isn't as cool as they say, then we'll simple use that to people on tumblr to come over here and read the blog and download our shit.

Get it? Got it? Nah.

Here we are @ Tumblr.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Your dog ate what? Oh.

A show dedicated to people waiting for their dog to shit out they're valuables. As long as the dogs are okay this show gets a subtle "ha".

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fun with Omegle! (NSFW or people under 18)

The sites definition of Omegle is.....

Omegle is a great way of meeting new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick another user at random and let you have a one-on-one chat with each other. Chats are completely anonymous, although there is nothing to stop you from revealing personal details if you would like.

The Urban Dictionary's definition of omegle is..... is the convergence of every side of the interwebz. You've got your horny 16 year olds, your brazilians, your pedos, trolls, lonely fat girls, complete social rejects, and stoners.

You decide as I go undercover....(If your offended at the fact I'm going undercover as a female, you have to realize that it's the only way these things last longer than two lines.)

I'm YOU.

This log explains why there are no pictures, I was being straight up with the guy.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: hi
You: hello.
Stranger: how r u doing?
You: ok n urself?
Stranger: fine
Stranger: where r u from?
You: New York n can I ask u a question?
Stranger: yh..sure
You: how do you take pics on a laptop?
You: like a screenshot
Stranger: ur keyboard has a key for that?
You: i heard u can do that now
Stranger: press Print screen button
Stranger: and then paste it on MS paint
Stranger: got that?
You: not working. do i need to press ALT?
Stranger: no..
Stranger: just Print screen button
Stranger: it should be on the right side of F12
Stranger: then open PAINT and paste there
Stranger: and then save the file
Stranger: worked for u?
You: not at all, i'm pressin it, but would it show up as a picture?
Stranger: yh after pressing PAINT
Stranger: then paste their and save the file...
Stranger: did u open PAint
You: yes
You: still not working
Stranger: then paste there
You: still not working
Stranger: sorry..i told u the right way...
Stranger: which operating system are u using
You: windows vista basic
Stranger: then it should work..
You: where would it appera?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Yes, I asked a stranger for Tech Support, big deal....

On to the next one!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: 18 M Horny ;)
You: 19 F...crepped out a lil..
Stranger: why?
You: why are u horny?
Stranger: haha cause its that time of day
Stranger: why arent you?
You: cuz, i have a little thing called will power
Stranger: thats lame
Stranger: its fun to have no will power
You: Oh really how so?
Stranger: idk your not makin this fun anymore
Stranger: :P
You: Ok howz this?
You: What are you wearing?
Stranger: shorts and boxers thats it
You: why?
You have disconnected.

It took this guy too long to respond. And at this point I was tired as shit.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
Stranger: ask me anything
You: suck a fuck?
Stranger: oh yeah... i dont know what that means though
Stranger: does this have anything to do with "if you ain't fuckin an suckin..."?
You: Well, I like dudes so.
Stranger: well i am a dude, so...
You: c'mon ;)
Stranger: c'mon what? haha im quite confused
You: every1s a litte bicurious
Stranger: i am
Stranger: im totally bicurious
Stranger: i know i like girls, but yeah im bicurious
You: hey dude?
You: wow.
Stranger: wow?
You: yeah takes balls to amdit that
Stranger: not to a stranger on omegel
Stranger: at least not for me
Stranger: only 3 people i know know this about me
Stranger: but a lot of people on omegle know
You: and my readers will also know
Stranger: readers?
Stranger: like on a blog?
You: nah
You: newspaper
Stranger: cool
You: ur famous
Stranger: oh yeah, haha
Stranger: what do your readers normally read about?
You: stupid shit i think is funny or for lulz
Stranger: awesome... im in a newspaper article for being stupid shit you think is funny (and im not being sarcastic)
You: LOL
You: No you're not
You have disconnected.

That was pretty mean, but I have to give the guy credit, it takes balls these days (not really) to admit that to a stranger on the net.

So if your ever bored, and want to be disgusted at what some 17 year old can come up with in his sick mind, visit omegle today!